Category: Political

I just learnt that our fights for net neutrality have been utterly useless, USA still has the power to shut down any website in the world, and they have just abused that power, this is not a joke, this is a declaration of war against the internet and its freedom of speech.

Read this article for more information(via Reddit), get active!

this is so fucked.

A class divided


I read an article in the swedish paper Aftonbladet today, that a swede by the name of Carl-Henric Svanberg has been appointed to save BP’s image….

How can we accept this? How can we accept the fact that they are just going to save their asses like that, They really don’t deserve that chance, neither does the mining company of the Chilean miners who were trapped in there for months, nor the Chinese oil company that is responsible for the even bigger oil spill in China, or all the other thousands of companies responsible for the deterioration and destruction of our planet and society. When did we begin to accept this?

I’m so sick of it, sick of being treated like shit and seeing the people around me being treated in the same way, And I can consider myself fucking lucky, I don’t live in a developing country, I can’t possibly grasp how the situation is in worse off countries. We are being raped in the ass, we are being overfed with lies and filth, we are a big fat consuming pig, constantly fed with bullshit until our bellies burst and we are replaced with another one, and i’m SICK OF IT. And it’s not just the big companies that do this, politicians do it all the time, hell, its their job, to lull us into a sense of comfort while they continue fuck us in the ass.

We are many, we are so many more than they, why do we let them fuck us over like this? We are stronger, in this so called democracy our votes are more, but theirs weigh more. How is that democratic?

I don’t know about you, but i’m not going to sit idly by while we are being perpetually trapped in a circle of assraping, I’m going to do like Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction and go medievel on their asses.

Many moons have passed since I last talked to you, I’ve managed to move out of my parents house, into my own room on a corridor in the vicinity of my new school, It’s good, more on this later, now to more urgent matters.

Last night Sweden voted for parliament, The Moderate party(Right wing liberals) and their right wing Alliance won, but not really, because they did not get a mandate majority, and the Swedish Democrats party, a downright racist party got 5,7 % of the votes, granting them 20 mandates in parliament.

This comes as no surprise to me, what surprised me is the stupidity of people that voted for them thinking they were a clean party, just focusing on immigration policy, a subject that is indeed a problem in this country, but the Swedish democrats party(SD for short) has been repeatedly frozen out of debates and political discussion by most of the other big parties, but has been debunked and confronted in argumentation with certain public figures, it wasnt enough, the freeze-out gave them martyrdom, and then came this.

A campaign ad showing our statebudget and two  brake levers, one saying “Immigrationbudget” the other one, “Pensionary budget”, and then an old lady in a rollator is slowly walking towards the immigration one, and then suddenly  a score of women in burquas and babies ran past the old lady and tries to grab the “Pensionary budget” brake lever, and then “Vote for the Swedish Democrats”. It was the most racist thing i’ve ever seen, but that’s not the bad(or worse) part, the Swedish Television channel 4 decided to censor it, CENSOR IT! Great use of our freedom of speech, guys. Not only did they counteracted the very same constitutional law that gives them the right to broadcast their programs, they probably gave SD more votes, the hypocritical cunts!

I sure as hell don’t support SD or even care for what they stand for, hell, you could say I even hate them, which I do, but I will defend their right to say the stupid shit they say any day of the week. If just one sharp politician that knows how to properly use rethorics would’ve taken up the debate with SD, the racist pricks would’ve been ridiculed and seen for what they truly are, stupid fucking redneck racists in suits. Their Oh, so carismatic leader is called Jimmie Åkesson, a smug bastard in glasses and a suit, a man that wants to ban Jazz music, because it’s an UNSWEDISH musical tradition(link, in swedish).  Because nobody got a majority in the election, SD now has the opportunity to be something called a scalemaster, having enough mandates to tip over the scale to one specific side of the two blocks(right and left). But both the left and the right have said they won’t work with SD, statements that I hope they will back up.

Now many of you probably live in countries that already have right wing extremists in your parliaments or even in power, and are wondering what the big deal is, I’ll tell you what it is.

THIS IS SWEDEN GODDAMNIT, not some backwards eastern european country with no morals and/or lousy welfare.

Sweden used to be a country that was the envy of Europe, we didn’t have racists in our parliaments, universal healthcare and a warm and empathic attitude towards fugitives, this used to be a place people wanted to live in. Now whats going to happen?(I’m overreacting, but still!)

One good thing is that the majority of the swedish people was outraged by the results, Today many gathered in Stockholms “plattan”(Sergels Torg) and protested against racism and SD.

I’m going to keep fighting the plague that is SD, I hope you will too.

If you don’t know who Lars Vilks is, don’t bother looking him up, he calls himself an artist, frankly, I’ve seen baboons paint better and with more meaning, he’s a nobody, but the reason he is famous now is because he depicted(if you could call it paint) the prophet Mohammad as a “rondellhund”(Roundabout dog, A dog made out of wood put in different parts of a City, mostly roundabouts, hence the name). And ever since, the Sunni muslims have been on his ass about it.

So today, Vilks had a lecture on art at the Uppsala University,why on earth anybody would invite him to talk about ART(and freedom of speech)is beyond me, No seriously, calling him an artist is an insult to everyone from Picasso to that kindergarten kid who loves to draw. Well enough about him, what we are really here to talk about is the muslim reaction to his retarded behaviour, they chose to fight fire with fire, retardness with retardness.

So Vilks begins his little act, to about 2 interested people and 20 angry muslims, He starts to show a video about islamic sexuality(homo I believe, anyone know?), HILARITY ENSUES.

Video of the festivities

(I can swear the cops in that video are the same ones that raided my house the other day!)

As you can see, Nothing severe really happened, A couple of younglings were apprehended by the police, one being charged for assaulting a police officer, that would be the guy punching the cop in the face while being wrestled down, gotta hand it to him, he has balls. Stupid fuck tho.

Vilks wasnt harmed in the rumble, several people were sprayed in the face with mace.

Heres my thought, I know that Sunni muslims are really strict about not depicting Mohammad in any way, while the Shi’a as far I know, dont really care, and have been known to accept respectful depictions of Mohammad, emphasis on respectful(infact, I believe the Qur’an says you shouldnt depict any of Allah’s creation). But come on guys, blowing up embassies and threathening people to death? On the internet we call that being “BUTTHURT”.

As for the situation in Sweden, you are just fueling the fire for the Swedish Democrats(the racist, nazi party), giving them more to work with, It’s like you want to get kicked out and go back to the undemocratic countries YOU FLED FROM. You are not winning sympathy for your cause this way, you are just instigating more hate.

I’ve lived with muslims all my life, I have muslim family, and I don’t want the actions of inbred, retarded muslim extremists and radicals to have impact on the lives of those that have done no wrong. I hate religion in all its forms, but what I hate more is extremism to this degree, its bullshit warmongering for the sake of war. A war against

Situation is this, provocateur Vilks provokes with paintings he shouldnt really be doing, just because they suck so bad and are simply provoking, provoked extremists respond with violence, spawning more violence, spawning even more violence, engulfing the world in a perpetual whirlpool of hate, good job!

If maths is your thing, here is a simple equation that explains everything.

Lars Vilks(Retard)  +  Radical Extremists(Retards) – Common Sense = Shitstorm

This is basically what happens when two retards collapse with each other.

Oh and by the way here is the painting that got Vilks in trouble in the first place, the mere suckyness of it invokes violence.


*** Update

Apparently, Vilks was showing  a video of Gay muslims wearing a Mohammad mask, having sex with each other.

Go figure.

Added a new video with english subtitles, and a bit longer, tho I do not support the channel the video is relevant to the post.

Some pictures

Since I have nothing of interest to speak about I’m just going to post some fun pics I’ve found this week.

Starting of with this funny yet serious p0litical satire, credit to the artist.

So true it hurts.

And this, oldie but goldie.

And lastly a picture from the archives, me as a little kid, having no worries, not bound by any laws or ethics, free as a bird. Those days will be missed /nostalgia

I was a cute kid.

Thats me on the left, and my bestest friend in the whole wide world(still is) to the left.

Ah, The good old days.

And I realise most blogs/tweets and status updates right now are about the healthcare bill being voted on right now, I say, America is stupid to even think of universal healthcare as a bad thing, for goodness sake, when has it ever been wrong with fair and free treatment. It’s truly a challenge for me to understand a world without universal healthcare, I’ve had it all my life, without it my parents would have probably been completely broke and we wouldnt have a home right now, not to mention Internet.  So


Thats all folks.

Clear My Name

Mugshot of Ernesto A. Miranda

Mugshot of Ernesto A. Miranda

If you were to do a Google search for my name, you will find 602 000 matches. Sadly, about 0.04 percent of those are actually me, because if you search for Ernesto Miranda(Give it a go, stalkerz) several pages of a Ernesto Arturo Miranda (no relation) will turn up, this Ernesto is THE Miranda that gave the name to the ever so heard Miranda rights, for those that don’t know, it’s that thing cops’ say to an offender when they eventually get caught, you know like in the movies.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?

(thank you Wikipedia)

Now wether or not he was guilty is an entire matter completely, he confessed, he had a record, and he soiled MY good name before I even was born.

Damn you Ernesto! DAMN YOU TO HELL!

When I eventually get famous, and I will, I dont want to be connected to this hoodlum.

So Google. please, Clear my name.

Sobrevivimos Chile

Mother Nature hits again, this time, too close to home, Chile was hit by an earthquake 8.8 on the Richter scale, about 60(tho the video claims 500) times bigger than the one that hit Haiti according to Prof. Kuvvat Atakan at the Bergen Institute in Norway.

Chile, my homelands neighbour, our constant rivals and brothers, I have many chilean friends and I even have family over there. My thoughts go out to everyone affected, the earthquake followed by a tsunami wave that hit all over the Pacific Ocean is said to have made over 2 million people homeless and now Chile faces one of the worst catastrophic times yet. I fear this is only the beginning, 2010 will prove to be a year of trials and tribulations. the Chileans people are strong and bold, they will overcome, but the price to pay is beyond my imagination, the destruction is total, It feels as if though words don’t even matter anymore, If I can help in any way, I will.

Image courtesy of go over there to follow the aftermath live.

Image courtesy of go on over there to follow the aftermath LIVE.

Chile aswell as Haiti are both in dire need of help, whatever you can do is worth it, dont hesitate to donate, this is our world, we may not live in the same places but humankind is still ONE, no matter how much our cultural differences, our blood is still the same.

To my brethren in Chile, I will say this:

Venceremos, we will rebuild, Latinoamerica somos unidos, nosotros estamos con ustedes.

I leave you with this silent video of the earthquake caught live.

I haven’t mentioned Haiti in this blog before, and with good reason, all that needs to be said has been said, Haiti needs help, even before the earthquake Haiti was plagued by poverty. Needless to say pretty much every charity jumped on the Haiti bandwagon immediately, helping out as best they could, and money is pouring in from all places.  Then comes this:

A remake of the “famous” We are the world” song written by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson. Now, I sincerely hate most of these charity singles, it’s an abomination on the music industry. But this one took the fucking crown for being the most appalling and utterly disgusting piece of shit, ive seen and/or heard in my entire life, BAR NONE.

Let’s start with the obvious part, putting the late Michael Jackson in the video, clearly still profiteering on his death. Sure, it can be considered a nice gesture since he wrote the song, but come on, leave the guy/girl alone for crying out loud, and by the way, he’s been dead for a year now, leave it the fuck alone.

And, now, the part that made me lose it for real, the fucking rappers…….

Really? In the midst of most of our generations best vocalists(Make no mistake, I have respect for the better part of them) you are going to put Lil’ fuckin’ Wayne, and T-Pain the god damned autotune guy?  And the horrible rap part, I puked a little in my mouth, Not to mention it fucking sucked ASS, It had the most generic lyrics ever made.

We all need somebody that we can lean on
when you wake up look around and see that your dreams gone
when the earth quakes we’ll help you make it through the storm
when the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on
we are the World united by love so strong
when the radio isn’t on you can hear the songs
a guided light on the dark road your walking on
a sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
someone to help you rebuild after the rubble’s gone
we are the World connected by a common bond
Love the whole planet sing it along


The only redeeming part of the whole thing was Wyclef Jean, a real Haitian, and I think I saw that Haitian guy from Heroes, not much of a pro to tip over the scale.

All of the money that was put into the making of the song and video could have easily been put into doing actual work in Haiti, sending in people who can help, but fuck that right? Let’s make an already horrible song into a fucking horrendous shitfuck of a video, put it up on YouTube, and get afuckton of views, and then maybe, MAYBE someone will give to the cause.

Today it has 12 million views on YouTube.


/end rant

Until next time, I’m the fucking insomniac.

Southpole of the moon

Just a quick update with a video from Dan Brown(pogobat), with a very passionate speech about Haiti.

I for one agree fully with what he says, and Kudos to Dan for donating all his winnings for a greater cause.
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