I read an article in the swedish paper Aftonbladet today, that a swede by the name of Carl-Henric Svanberg has been appointed to save BP’s image….

How can we accept this? How can we accept the fact that they are just going to save their asses like that, They really don’t deserve that chance, neither does the mining company of the Chilean miners who were trapped in there for months, nor the Chinese oil company that is responsible for the even bigger oil spill in China, or all the other thousands of companies responsible for the deterioration and destruction of our planet and society. When did we begin to accept this?

I’m so sick of it, sick of being treated like shit and seeing the people around me being treated in the same way, And I can consider myself fucking lucky, I don’t live in a developing country, I can’t possibly grasp how the situation is in worse off countries. We are being raped in the ass, we are being overfed with lies and filth, we are a big fat consuming pig, constantly fed with bullshit until our bellies burst and we are replaced with another one, and i’m SICK OF IT. And it’s not just the big companies that do this, politicians do it all the time, hell, its their job, to lull us into a sense of comfort while they continue fuck us in the ass.

We are many, we are so many more than they, why do we let them fuck us over like this? We are stronger, in this so called democracy our votes are more, but theirs weigh more. How is that democratic?

I don’t know about you, but i’m not going to sit idly by while we are being perpetually trapped in a circle of assraping, I’m going to do like Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction and go medievel on their asses.