It’s 6.38 in the morning of the 8th.

This night, I couldn’t sleep, As I lay in my bed listening to music from an album in honour of my namesake and inspiration Ernesto Guevara, better known as Che Guevara. I can’t help but think over his actions and ideals, I even came up with a little poem of sorts(beware, it may suck)

te dicen, Ernesto, nombre de asesino.
yo digo, Ernesto, nombre de campesino.
te llaman terorista, te llamo revolucionario, sin comparison, sin conclucion.
con tu arma nos muestras el camino que tenemos que tomar.
No eras cubano, no eras argentino, no eras chileno, no eras boliviano y no fuiste peruano, fuiste latino.
Unidad es el camino que tenemos que tomar, Hasta la victoria, Siempre mi Commandante.


They say, Ernesto, name of an assassin.
I say, Ernesto, name of a farmer.
they call you a terrorist, I call you a revolutionist, without comparison, without conclusion .
With your weapon you show us the path we must take.
You were not from Cuba, you were not from Argentina, You were not from Chile, you were not from Bolivia and you were not from Peru, you were from Latin America.
Unity is the path you showed us and the path we must take, To victory my commander, always.

Yeah, it sucked, but I stand by it.

For me, there has never been any question over what side I am politically, My ideals have been the same throughout most of my life, only minor changes to my ways of achieving these goals and ideals. From my naive plan to conquer the world and bring peace to it(somewhere deep inside, my inner child still wants that, watch out world!), to a revolution to influencing people, my first blogs name was Radio Rebelde, the pirated radio station Che and Fidel used in Sierra Maestra during the cuban revolution(sadly, some chump not even using the url stole it on WordPress).

Anyway, as I laid in my bed tonight I began to think hard about what I can do to really influence the world, to try to shape it my way. I have the medium, internet, a place that people of all races and cultures can share, the problem is getting the word out there, I dont have high hopes for this blog, but If I can influence one person I guess I can feel satisfied with my work.

“Baby steps Ernesto….baby steps.”